Applying a CBD topical differs from ingesting CBD. You rub it directly onto the skin, often on areas like the neck, wrists, or knees. Whether using our CBD Soothing Freeze Gel or Patches, allow a few minutes before reapplying. The effects of CBD topicals can vary, taking 10–90 minutes to manifest
CBD Topicals
At Gold Bee we offer several different CBD topical options, from patches to our Soothing Freeze Gel and essential oil rollers. Our infused line of CBD topicals has been formulated to combine the revitalizing properties of CBD extracts with other natural premium-grade ingredients for a range of wellness benefits.
Our CBD Soothing Freeze Gel is infused with cooling menthol to assist those with localized discomfort. Gold Bee CBD Patches provide long-lasting effects for up to 12 hours on top of ingredients like lidocaine, melatonin, and vitamin complex.

Why Use Gold Bee CBD Topicals
CBD comes in many different forms, most of which require some kind of ingestion. For example, CBD is available in oils, gummies, capsules, and even vapes. However, when it comes to targeting localized irritation, topical application is often the best choice.
What makes Gold Bee different from competitor brands is the high CBD concentration that includes a broad spectrum of cannabinoids and phytonutrients from hemp, with THC levels below 0.3%.
We source our cannabidiol from premium-grade hemp. Then, the production team infuses the extracted CBD into carrier fats and other high-quality ingredients, allowing our customers to benefit from every compound in the formula.

Buy Your CBD Topical Creams Online
The CBD industry is one of the fastest-growing global markets. Unfortunately, the market is still loosely regulated, to say the least. This has resulted in the abundance of sub-par products being sold on the market by companies who have started to pop up in the industry at a very fast pace.
We strongly recommend doing your research before buying any CBD topical and ensure that you’re getting your CBD from a reputable source.
At Gold Bee we strongly believe that when it comes to CBD topicals, less is more, so instead of offering you the whole spectrum of creams and lotions, we have decided to focus on three formulas that target different problems and different types of users.

How to Use CBD Topicals
How to Store CBD Topicals
Always store your topical creams in a dry and cool place. We strongly advise you to keep them well out of the reach of children. If you have any other questions about the use of Gold Bee CBD topicals, don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re always happy to help!
Frequently Asked Questions
About CBD Topicals
Searching for answers? Find them in our CBD Topicals FAQ
This is My First Time with CBD Topicals. How do They Work?
CBD topicals provide more localized exposure of CBD to specific areas on the body. The Gold Bee topical creams and patches are made from premium-grade hemp plants grown on farms in California and Colorado, ensuring the highest quality and purity of our extracts. With ingredients such as menthol, vitamin complex, and natural essential oils, our selection of topicals revitalizes the skin, protects it against free radicals, and helps your body relax without getting you high.
Can I Use Gold Bee CBD Topicals for Pain?
Gold Bee CBD topicals are not designed to diagnose, treat, or cure pain or any other medical conditions.
Does CBD Topicals Help Relieve Arthritis Symptoms?
People use CBD for many reasons, mainly to help with problematic areas of their body. However, Gold Bee ointments, patches, and roll-ons aren’t intended to help with arthritis or any other chronic condition or ailment.
Is CBD Topical and CBD Gel the Same Product?
Yes! The only difference between them is the name. The term “CBD topical” refers to anything you apply directly to the skin. CBD cream is one of the many topicals you can find for sale.
What are CBD Topicals Best for?
We encourage you to check out the community feedback to see for yourself what CBD topicals can do for you. We have many amazing success stories of people who benefit from our Soothing Freeze Gel, Patches, and Essential Oil Roll-ons. If you have any questions about the Gold Bee products — please don’t hesitate to reach out to us!
How are Gold Bee CBD Topicals Better than Other Brands?
Every product that comes out of our facility is infused with high concentrations of CBD sourced from high-quality, organically-grown hemp. The other ingredients in our CBD topicals also come from premium sources. You won’t find any synthetic and dangerous additives in the Gold Bee topical line because we know they would have a negative impact on your skin. As we said, we strongly believe in quality over quantity.
How Much CBD Cream Should I Use?
CBD affects everyone differently, so there’s no one-size-fits-all dosage. CBD topicals from hemp are classified as health supplements, hence the lack of official guidelines. It’s best if you apply a small amount of the gel to a specific part of the body and wait for the effects to take hold. According to some of our customers, a single tub lasts up to a month on average, although this may vary between individuals.
Will You Expand Your Selection of Topicals in the Future?
We love the feedback we’re getting from our customers about the Gold Bee topicals, but currently, we’d like to focus on mastering the current formulas. Once we’re ready to expand our line up, we’ll let you know about the incoming products!