CBD is everywhere you look today: dispensaries, pharmacies, head shops, and online stores. You can choose from products like CBD oil, capsules, gummies, honey sticks, vapes, and topicals — all of which contain a significant amount of cannabidiol.

Even if you’re not into cannabis, you’ve probably heard about CBD or seen the said products. Media are raving about the health benefits of CBD oil, so it’s no wonder people want to learn more and more about them.

That being said, there’s still a lot we don’t know about CBD.

Today we present 10 interesting CBD facts for those who have just dipped their toes in the latest wellness trend.

1. CBD Can Be Extracted from Hemp and Marijuana

A common misconception about CBD is that it is found only in one species of cannabis. The truth is both hemp and marijuana are capable of producing CBD.

However, marijuana comes with naturally higher concentrations of THC than CBD. There’s a growing market of selectively bred cannabis strains, which are grown specifically to boast a higher CBD content.

The reason why most manufacturers use hemp for CBD extraction is that hemp is federally legal, while marijuana is available only in the states that have legalized its recreational or medical use. Hemp strains also grow faster than marijuana, requiring a less controlled environment to yield high-CBD flowers.

Not all hemp cultivars come with the same amounts of CBD. The strains used to produce CBD extracts contain significantly more CBD than the plants harvested for fiber.

The second CBD fact is closely connected with the first one.

2. Marijuana Strains Can Boast High CBD Content Too

The cross-breeding of cannabis strains has enabled growers to combine different cultivars to manipulate their cannabinoid content, providing different ratios between CBD and THC.

While the majority of marijuana strains are high in THC and low in CBD, other strains come with opposite ratios. Some selectively-bred marijuana plants come with a 20:1, 10:1, 5:1, or 2:1 ratio between THC and CBD. The more CBD in the strain, the less intoxicating the effects.

3. CBD is one of 115 Cannabinoids in the Cannabis Plant

a hand with blue glove pulling cannabis with CBD Oil on two beakers

CBD is a powerful cannabinoid, but it’s not the only one. In fact, researchers have identified 115 different cannabinoids in the cannabis plants — and the number is still growing.

CBD is the second most abundant cannabinoid; however, outside CBD and THC, there are dozens of more cannabinoids occurring in trace amounts. Similar to CBD, these cannabinoids can engage with the endocannabinoid system and provide an array of their own health benefits on top of improving the efficacy of CBD and THC.

Some of the most talked-about cannabinoids include:

  • Cannabichromene (CBC)
  • Cannabigerol (CBG)
  • Cannabinol (CBN)
  • Cannabidivarin (CBDV)
  • Delta-8-tetrahydrocannabinol (delta8-THC)
  • Tetrahydrocannabinolic acid (THCA)

These cannabinoids have recently garnered the attention of medical researchers; many studies have pointed to them as potential natural remedies for a wide range of health concerns.

4. CBD Won’t Get you High… But It IS Psychoactive

Here’s another CBD fact that may trigger a cognitive dissonance in you — CBD actually is psychoactive.

So why do almost all people refer to it as non-psychoactive?

If by psychoactive you mean “intoxicating,” then yes, CBD lacks that kind of psychoactivity.

This is why most people mean when they describe the effects of hemp-derived CBD. Cannabidiol doesn’t directly interact with the CB1 receptors in the brain, meaning it doesn’t cause the euphoric high associated with marijuana use.

But when you apply the classic definition of “psychoactive,” it appears CBD fits in the qualifying criteria like a glove. The term “psychoactive” means that a particular substance affects the mind and behavior, which is true for CBD.

CBD influences the endocannabinoid system (ECS) and regulates its functioning. The ECS is responsible for helping the body maintain a balance between its biological processes (homeostasis). These processes include memory, mood, pain perception, appetite, fertility, body temperature, and the functioning of the nervous and immune systems.

In plain English, CBD modulates the functioning of neurotransmitters in the brain, so it does affect your mind and behavior. Therefore, it IS psychoactive.

So, to wrap up this CBD fact: CBD is non-intoxicating and won’t cause an altered state of mind, but it is psychoactive.

5. CBD is CBD, No Matter the Source

Your body doesn’t care where CBD comes from. If you take pure CBD, it won’t get you high even if it has been isolated from marijuana. That’s because the molecular structure of CBD is the same regardless of the source.

Think of vitamin C as an analogy. You can absorb it through parsley or strawberries, or oranges, but it is still the same vitamin C.

What makes the difference between hemp-derived and marijuana-derived CBD oil is their cannabinoid profiles.

Selectively-bred marijuana strains usually contain a higher amount of CBD than hemp by dry weight. However, it also comes with higher levels of THC. As a matter of fact, any cannabis plant containing more than 0.3% of THC is considered marijuana.

But then again, when you isolate the CBD from both plants, it will have the same effect on you.

7. The Efficacy of CBD Depends On Other Hemp Compounds

bottle full of CBD oil with dropper on top beside a microscope

Here’s another interesting CBD fact. When you take CBD alone, it may not have such high efficacy as it does when consumed alongside other phytonutrients from hemp.

The idea that cannabis compounds work better together than in isolation was first proposed in 1998 by the father of cannabis research Raphael Mechoulam. Scientist has named it “the entourage effect,” suggesting that whole-plant extracts are more potent than pure CBD (1).

While CBD on its own has demonstrated numerous health benefits, the entourage effect could mean that it grows to its full potential when consumed with other molecules from the plant.

8. You Can Benefit from CBD Even If You’re Healthy

CBD has become popular for its ability to help with a myriad of health concerns, but it doesn’t mean you won’t reap the benefits if you’re completely healthy. In fact, CBD is a powerful tool for supporting wellness on a daily basis.

CBD’s interaction with the endocannabinoid system may help it maintain balance and prevent deficiencies in endocannabinoids. Hemp-derived CBD oil can be a decent addition to a healthy diet and active lifestyle. One of the most interesting facts about CBD oil is that it contains a whole range of other beneficial compounds besides CBD. The oil is also a good source of essential fatty acids, vitamins, and trace minerals.

Healthy people can use CBD oil to support the endocannabinoid system, arguably the most important regulatory network in humans. This way, maintaining optimal health becomes easier. The balancing effects of CBD combined with hemp seed oil and organic honey in our products will help you live a calmer and more productive life.

9. You Can Give CBD to Your Pet

This CBD fact may be surprising to some pet owners, as cannabis and pets don’t seem to go well together in one sentence. However, keep in mind that CBD is non-intoxicating, and hemp-derived CBD oils contain 0.3% of THC or less, which isn’t enough to get your dog high or impaired.

All animals, including dogs, cats, horses, rabbits, wildlife, and more, have endocannabinoid systems, meaning they can benefit from cannabinoids in a similar way humans do.

Pet parents are discovering the health benefits of CBD oil for pets as a safe alternative to over-the-counter supplements. CBD’s relationship with the endocannabinoid system can support a pet’s healthy physical and mental behavior. On top of that, CBD oil’s nutritional profile can be a fine addition to supplement the dietary needs of our furry friends.

10. CBD Can Interact With A Lot of Medications

If you’re considering adding CBD oil to your routine, you may want to consult your doctor first, especially if you take any medications. CBD is known to exert inhibitory actions on the system of enzymes (CYP450) that metabolize active substances in pharmaceutical drugs.

This mechanism is similar to how grapefruit juice interacts with medications, so if your medication has a grapefruit warning on it, you probably shouldn’t consume it together with CBD. Doing so may result in too high concentrations of the drug in your bloodstream or in subtherapeutic effects.

Other Interesting Facts About Hemp-Derived CBD

hand holding CBD oil bottle hemp plants background

  • Hemp is one of the oldest agricultural crops: historians and archeologists suggest that hemp was used as early as 12,000 years ago. Carl Sagan, an astronomer and cannabis advocate, claimed that cannabis has laid the ground for agricultural civilization.
  • Ancient Greek doctors prescribed CBD: Claudis Galen, a highly esteemed Greek doctor, often used cannabis juice to relieve physical discomfort in his patients, which is a classic example of CBD’s properties. Pedanius Dioscorides also used cannabis for physical concerns, claiming the plant to be good for the pains of the ears.
  • Royal families have used CBD: various historical sources point to Queen Victoria, who ruled England between 1837–1901, as a cannabis aficionado who used high-CBD cannabis to help with menstrual cramps.
  • You can’t legally import CBD oil to Canada without prescription: the only legal CBD oils in Canada are the ones produced inside of the country and purchased from Canadian distributors. While most companies will ship their CBD products to Canada, there’s a risk that the customs will either destroy it or send it back to where it came from.
  • CBD may prevent relapse in addicts: researchers have proposed CBD a an alternative for managing addictive behaviors. A study published in the U.S. National Library of Medicine found that CBD activates the 5-HT1A serotoninergic receptors and can regulate compulsive behaviors on top of improving stress response. Serotonin receptors are involved in regulating drug-seeking behavior; their efficient use can also reduce stress reactions that force people into relapse (2).
  • CBD may reverse neurodegenerative damage: A study conducted by the University of Kentucky concluded that a CBD treatment resulted in a 48.8 reduction in brain damage, showing promise as a natural alternative for those trying to recover their cognitive function after long-term alcohol abuse (3).

Is CBD Federally Legal?

The 2018 Farm Bill clarified the status of hemp-derived CBD, making it federally legal. This was possible thanks to the removal of hemp from the list of controlled substances. According to the new law, hemp is now an agricultural commodity that can be grown and harvested for any purpose, including health supplements such as CBD oils, capsules, and edibles.

This CBD fact is paramount for understanding the legality of cannabinoids. While hemp-derived CBD is legal in all 50 states, marijuana-derived CBD products are legal for recreational use in 16 states so far. You can even transport CBD oil between state lines as long as it doesn’t contain more than 0.3% of THC.

Statistical reports indicate that approximately 70% of CBD oils available on the market are mislabeled, containing significantly less CBD than stated on the bottle. Some of these oils also come with dangerous additives or contaminants. If you want to make sure you’re getting high-quality products, choose CBD oils that are made from organic hemp, extracted with CO2, and tested in third-party laboratories for potency and purity.

Bottom Line

Cannabinoids are one of the best-researched natural compounds, both historically and scientifically. People have been using cannabis as part of their daily lives for over 10,000 years, but a paradox is that 70 years of prohibition and misinformation in the media has taken us several steps back.

As we begin to rediscover the health benefits of CBD and other cannabis compounds, more interesting facts will emerge in the next few years.

Our list of CBD facts isn’t complete. There’s always more to learn about the many ways in which it can support your well-being by regulating the body’s homeostasis through the ECS.

Surprised by these CBD facts? Feel free to explore our blog section to get even more valuable information.


  1. Ben-Shabat, S et al. “An entourage effect: inactive endogenous fatty acid glycerol esters enhance 2-arachidonoyl-glycerol cannabinoid activity.” European journal of pharmacologyvol. 353,1 (1998): 23-31. doi:10.1016/s0014-2999(98)00392-6
  2. Prud’homme, Mélissa et al. “Cannabidiol as an Intervention for Addictive Behaviors: A Systematic Review of the Evidence.” Substance abuse: research and treatment vol. 9 33-8. 21 May. 2015, doi:10.4137/SART.S25081
  3. Liput, Daniel J et al. “Transdermal delivery of cannabidiol attenuates binge alcohol-induced neurodegeneration in a rodent model of an alcohol use disorder.” Pharmacology, biochemistry, and behavior vol. 111 (2013): 120-7. doi:10.1016/j.pbb.2013.08.013